Friday, July 2, 2010

So, Mary and Edward went to the big mall here (Mall of New Hampshire) so Mary could get her hair done. She's an old-fashioned sort. Anyway, they left, so we took off for breakfast at a restaurant we've tried before. It's in Goffstown, right on the river. Very pretty, and I took pictures to show you. (No, I haven't uploaded them yet. I'm a few days behind.) Then, we started just driving, to see what the little towns look like and to just look at New Hampshire.

We passed an interesting bridge and turned around to see it. Here's a shot of it as it was: 1861-1871?. We, of course, took tons of pictures. I took enough to make a panorama of it like this: Panorama On Steroids. Merrie climbed along the bottom of it, along the river, then turned halfway along to look back and saw a ginormous fucking spider and had to go all the way around to the other side and back over the top to rescue her camera and other things she'd left on a rock so that they didn't fall in the water if she did. (She didn't.) Geordie took some pictures of the spider. I'll share those, if you guys want. It was black and white and as big as her palm.

Keene was pretty, and filled with college age kids. It's a college town, apparently. Interestingly, the girls were all mostly well-put-together and neat, but the boys were all slouchy pants and sloppy t-shirts. What is that about, anyway?

Anyway, we drove from Keene to Hillsborough (which the sign spelt Hillsboro). In Hillsborough, we stopped for ice cream at a local shop. The ice cream was very good (they use fresh real ginger in the ginger ice cream, which reminds me that I have to use our ice cream maker when we get home!). The girl at the shop was an interesting mix of adventurous (she's a downhill skier and her boyfriend does moguls; they're both instructors.) and inexperienced. The furthest west she's been is Pennsylvania. She goes to North Carolina on a sort of regular basis, but hadn't flown until about a couple of years ago. She also doesn't drive because she was in an accident just after finishing Driver's Ed. Well, it was unclear in her story if she was the driver or the passenger. She has a long list of things she won't try, including foods she doesn't know the taste of in advance. Fruit flavors are her favorites, as she always knows what they're supposed to be.

Anyway, we came home from there; turns out Hillsborough is only a few miles away from where we're staying.

When we got home, the bunnies were out. Amy has two rabbits - a grey Flemish Giant, and a white and brown lop. They're very funny together, bouncy and happy, but Luffy, the Flemish Giant, is HUGE next to the lop. They love being outside. Amy's set up two big, stiff cardboard tubes on a stand so the bunnies have some place to go hide and play.

It's time to make dinner now - I think we're having pasta with garlic bread! Yum.


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