Friday, July 2, 2010

So, we got up early, for us whilst on a lazy vacation, at about 8am. We were out of the house by 9:15. We stopped off at Dunkin' Donuts (we prefer other chains, but this was on the way) and then started the long drive north. Up through New Hampshire to the bottom of Maine, then through Maine to Canada, then we took a right at the Canadian border and headed directly east, until we got here, to Moncton.

On the way, we stopped off to find something for Merrie to eat for lunch (she doesn't like sandwiches or ham, so the ham sandwich Geordie's mom, Mary, made for her (one for each of us) wouldn't work.) We also stopped just past the border (very pretty views, very friendly lady, lots and lots of maps), and Merrie and I played on the swings like little kids. We got Geordie onto a swing, just for a minute.

We didn't stop again for hours; the road is amazingly boring. Really. I didn't take pictures, because there was nothing but trees. Well, towards the end of the hours and hours long drive, there was a pretty river. But, seriously, I think there's more to look at in Nevada - at least there the light moving over the scrub and desert makes the colors change and the distance shimmer and the mountains in the distance are always shifting. We deliberately took the fastest, most boring route, because the point of this part of the trip is to be up here, in New Brunswick to see the tides and other nifty things at the Bay of Fundy.

Tomorrow is my birthday - I turn 40. I'm sort of excited! Geordie got me, as I mentioned, the sunglasses. I'll show you pictures, if I can get that organized.

Anyway, I'm exhausted (from doing nothing but passenging on the long drive), so I'm going to bed. G'night.


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