Friday, July 2, 2010

We started out earlyish, ate a quick "breakfast" at the hotel (toast with, um, cream cheese and marmalade for me), stopped into a Tim Hortons for coffee, then drove to see the Giant Tides of Doom. Seriously, it was more cool than I expected. The walk down to the sea floor is green and lush and beautiful, then you walk down (and down) a set of metal stairs to a pebbly beach. The tide is waaaay over there, sort of far away, sloshing about doing whatever it is that tides do while waiting to turn. I took loads of pictures, but I don't have the right reader, so I can't show you. I think I brought it, but if I did, it's at the house in New Hampshire.

Anyway, after exploring all over there (and meeting the mud and the whelks, and managing not to laugh at the dude who fell into the mud with his expensive camera and pretentious attitude, we drove to Alma, a cute little harbor town, to have lunch. The restaurant was directly over a fishing harbor, which was, when we arrived, full of sand and, um, beached boats. We wondered if the tide would come in quickly enough for us to see the boats get any water under them whilst we were eating lunch.

By the time we finished lunch, there were boats leaving to go fishing! Seriously, in under an hour, the tide went from too far to walk out to, to filling the harbor!

Then, we went on to St Martins, another pretty harbor town, to see high tide. We also drove over two cute covered bridges. After this, though, we drove straight through to Bar Harbor. Merrie, Geordie and I played a rousing couple of rounds of the alphabet game, which I hadn't known about until a friend told me. I think we're on J right now - for the third time around the alphabet.

The border guard gave us (well, Geordie) some flack - he asked some pretty irrelevant and nosy questions, but we're all on the up and up (and we lied about buying souvenirs), so it's all good.

It took us four tries to find a hotel in Bar Harbor; we had a delicious dinner (lobster for me, as it's my birthday dinner. I'll go back to being sensible tomorrow.) and now Geordie's snoring and sleeping over there, so it's past time for bed.

I'll post something with links and images later, okay?

*hugs you all*

Thank you so much for all of your good wishes. It's been a great day.

Oh! OH! I nearly forgot to tell you!!

Geordie's mom, Mary? She KNITTED ME A SWEATER!!! I don't think I have anything knitted for me by someone else! It's a pretty, goldy, browny, short sleeved slightly cropped shrug thing, with interesting bobbly-lace panels. I'm beyond delighted.

Bedtime! G'night.


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